Diskuzní fórum Parent Project - svalová dystrofie

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Diskusní téma:

| 18.08.23 05:44:31 | Shlédnuto:23 | Emilylowes   P2Pah WoTLK:The healing of druids is actually
Perhaps in 2009. But not now, when players treat every arena game as if their life is in the balance. Priests are prone to being trained, but since they play RMP they are already equipped with healing tools available to them, but as a saving grace their healing is very simple to accomplish through penance, arguably being the strongest healing spell available in the game.

Now let's move on to the one healer who is moderately difficult that belongs to Resto Druid. As one of the only healers with actual mobility Druids will not have to deal with many of the issues which other healers experience, especially when it comes to training and avoiding CC.

The healing of druids is actually quite easy, and in the majority of cases, they can rely almost exclusively on instant cast hots to carry HPs but the actual difficulty with Druid is the an ability called cyclone, one of the more difficult magic spells that you can master. In contrast to other recent expansions, Resto Druid and wrath needs to be more involved in the team and needs to actively do things on offense particularly with cyclone.

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