Diskuzní fórum Parent Project - svalová dystrofie

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Diskusní téma:

| 18.08.23 05:45:52 | Shlédnuto:19 | Emilylowes   MMOexp Diablo 4: With the release of the open beta
Another theory is that Tyrael is dead in Diablo 4. He is mortal, after all, and mortals can become old and die.

This is a cheap way out for one of the franchise’s favorite characters. Someone like Tyrael needs a little more than just a subtle hint at a grave in Diablo 4′s cinematics.

With the release of the open beta of Diablo 4 came a whole hoard of players, both new and old. Xbox, Playstation, and PC players from around the world got the chance to try out the opening act of the latest game from Blizzard. The servers could hardly keep up as people dived into the first quests, and queue times started to stack up.

Wait times became an issue, and server dropouts kicked players. The problem with the servers can’t be avoided by going offline, as Diablo 4 is online only.

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